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How to write an article review

How to write an article review

How to Write an Article Review,Get Started

WebIf your assignment is to summarize the article only, please see our literature review handout. Before getting started on the critique, it is important to review the article WebThe main and fundamental purpose of writing a review is to create a readable synthesis of the best resources available in the literature for an important research question or a Web1 day ago · The review starts with an assumption that masks provide respiratory protection, which is flawed. Want to write? Write an article and join a growing community of WebFeb 6,  · The plot, its major plot points and significant subplots. Each time you encounter something noteworthy while reading, you should write down the page number ... read more

Depending on the type of critique or work evaluated it is also possible to include comments on future research or the topic to be discussed further. If other sources have been used then construct a bibliography section and correctly cite all works utilized in the critique. Depending on which style to use can depend on the work being critiqued or the type of review asked for. In an article review APA format is very common and stands for American Psychology Association. Writing a review article is not that hard if you know what steps to take. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to write a review example quickly and easily. Before you start writing your review essay, there are a few pre-writing steps to take.

The pre-writing process should consist of the following steps:. After you review articles and define the key ideas, gaps, and other details, map out your future paper by creating a detailed outline. This step is vital to organize your thoughts and ensure a proper structure of your work. Thus, be sure not to skip this step. When you have an outline, students can move on to the writing stage by formulating compelling titles for their article reviews. Titles should be declarative, interrogative, or descriptive to reflect the core focus of the paper. After the title should follow a proper citation of the piece you are going to review. Write a citation according to the required style, and feel free to check out a well-written article review example to see how it should look like.

Start the first paragraph of your review with concise and clear article identification that specifies its title, author, name of the resource e. Following the identification, write a short introductory paragraph. It should be to the point and state a clear thesis for your review. In the main body of your article review, you should first make a detailed but not too extensive summary of the article you reviewed, its main ideas, statements, and findings. In this part, you should also reflect on the conclusion made by the author of the original article. After a general summary should follow an objective critique. In this part of your paper, you have to state and analyze the main strengths and weaknesses of the article.

Also, you need to point out any gaps or unanswered questions that are still there. Lastly, you need to craft a compelling conclusion that recaps the key points of your review and gives the final, logical evaluation of the piece that was reviewed. To write an amazing critique it requires a lot of time to properly research the work so come to EssayService where our team of top essay writers from various academic backgrounds will help you out, you can learn more at college essay writing service page. We have free guides and blogs to help you with all your essay writing needs so you will have time for more important things. She was flawless! first time using a website like this, I've ordered article review and i totally adored it!

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unbelievable, many thanks. How to Write Publication date:. Get Help with Your Essay, Spend Your Time Wisely. Place My Order. View Samples. This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. Table of contents. What is an Article Review? How to Start an Article Review? Article Review Outline Article Review Example Article Review Writing Tips How to Write an Article Review? You Might Also Like. Knowing the future setup of your paper will help you define how you should read the article. Here are the steps to follow:. Step 2: Move on and review the article. Here is a small and simple guide to help you do it right:. These three steps make up most of the prewriting process. After you are done with them, you can move on to writing your own review—and we are going to guide you through the writing process as well.

Organization in an assignment like this is of utmost importance. Before embarking on your writing process, you could outline your assignment or use an article review template to organize your thoughts more coherently. As you progress with reading your article, organize your thoughts into coherent sections in an outline. As you read, jot down important facts, contributions, or contradictions. Identify the shortcomings and strengths of your publication. Begin to map your outline accordingly. If your professor does not want a summary section or a personal critique section, then you must alleviate those parts from your writing. Much like other assignments, an article review must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Thus you might consider dividing your outline according to these sections as well as subheadings within the body. If you find yourself troubled with the prewriting and the brainstorming process for this assignment, seek out a sample outline. Your custom essay must contain these constituent parts:. Count on the support of our essay writing service. Here is a guide with critique paper format from our research paper writing service on how to write a review paper:. First of all, you need to write a title that reflects the main focus of your work.

Respectively, the title can be either interrogative, descriptive, or declarative. Next, create a proper citation for the reviewed article and input it following the title. At this step, the most important thing to keep in mind is the style of citation specified by your instructor in the requirements for the paper. For example, an article citation in the MLA style should look as follows:. Your organization in an assignment like this is of the utmost importance. Before embarking on your writing process, you should outline your assignment or use an article review template to organize your thoughts coherently.

Make a summary of the article by revisiting what the author has written about. Note any relevant facts and findings from the article. Include the author's conclusions in this section. Present the strengths and weaknesses you have found in the publication. Highlight the knowledge that the author has contributed to the field. Take a standpoint of either supporting or not supporting the author's assertions, but back up your arguments with facts and relevant theories that are pertinent to that area of knowledge. Rubrics and templates can also be used to evaluate and grade the person who wrote the article. In this section, revisit the critical points of your piece, your findings in the article, and your critique.

Also, write about the accuracy, validity, and relevance of the results of the article review. Present a way forward for future research in the field of study. Before submitting your article, keep these pointers in mind:. Finally, when all of the parts of your article review are set and ready, you have one last thing to take care of — proofreading. Although students often neglect this step, proofreading is a vital part of the writing process and will help you polish your paper to ensure that there are no mistakes or inconsistencies. To proofread your paper properly, start with reading it fully and by checking the following points:.

Next, identify whether or not there is any unnecessary data in the paper and remove it. Lastly, check the points you discussed in your work; make sure you discuss at least key points. In case you need to proofread, rewrite an essay or buy essay , our dissertation services are always here for you. Why have we devoted an entire section of this article to talk about an article review sample, you may wonder? Not all of you may recognize it, but in fact, looking through several solid examples of review articles is actually an essential step for your writing process, and we will tell you why. Looking through relevant article review examples can be beneficial for you in the following ways:.

Professor of Global Biosecurity, NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, Head, Biosecurity Program, Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney. C Raina MacIntyre receives funding from mask manufacturer Detmold for testing of their masks and is on an advisory board for mask manufacturer Ascend. She receives funding from Sanofi for investigator-driven influenza research, and from NHMRC and MRFF. She has been an expert advisor for Ontario Nurses Association ONA In the matter of a proceeding under the Labour Relations Act, between ONA and Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation. Abrar Ahmad Chughtai had testing of filtration of masks by 3M for his PhD. He also has worked with Paftec on research in respirators no funding was involved. Dr Fisman has served as an expert witness for the Ontario Nurses Association and the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario in legal challenges related to safer working conditions in healthcare and schools.

Fisman has served on advisory boards for Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Merck, Seqirus and Sanofi vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and S. He holds current funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and Health Canada. Trish Greenhalgh receives funding from UK National Institute for Health and Care Research and the NIHR School for Primary Care Research. She is affiliated with University of Oxford and University of Oslo. She has served as an unpaid adviser tot he philanthropic fund BALVI and is a member of Independent SAGE. University of Toronto provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation CA.

University of Oxford provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK. UNSW Sydney provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. University of Toronto provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA-FR. The question of whether and to what extent face masks work to prevent respiratory infections such as COVID and influenza has split the scientific community for decades. Although there is strong evidence face masks significantly reduce transmission of such infections both in health-care settings and in the community, some experts do not agree. The Cochrane Review combined randomised controlled trials RCTs using meta-analysis. A meta-analysis pools the results of multiple studies. But RCTs are only the undisputed gold standard for certain kinds of questions.

For other questions, a mix of study designs is better. And RCTs should be combined in a meta-analysis only if they are all addressing the same research question in the same way. COVID, along with influenza and many other respiratory diseases, is transmitted primarily through the air. Read more: High-filtration masks only work when they fit — so we created a new way to test if they do. In contrast, surgical masks are designed to prevent splatter of fluid on the face and are loose-fitting, causing unfiltered air to leak in through the gaps around the mask. The filtration of a surgical mask is not regulated.

In other words, respirators are designed for respiratory protection and cloth and surgical masks are not. The review starts with an assumption that masks provide respiratory protection, which is flawed. An understanding of these differences should inform both studies and reviews of those studies. A common mistake in meta-analysis is to combine apples and oranges. Because both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses are airborne, an unmasked person could be infected anywhere in the building and even after an infectious patient has left the room, especially since some people have no symptoms while contagious.

Most RCTs of masks and N95s included in the review have not had a control arm — therefore finding no difference could indicate equal efficacy or equal inefficacy. Studies examining wearing a surgical mask or respirator such as an N95 only when in contact with sick people or when doing a high-risk procedure occasional use have generally shown that, when worn in this way, there is no difference. An RCT comparing occasional versus continuous use of respirators in health care workers showed N95 respirators and surgical masks were equally ineffective when only worn occasionally by hospital workers. They had to wear them all the time at work to be protected.

We also combined only apples and apples in a meta-analysis of two RCTs conducted in exactly the same way and measuring the same interventions and outcomes. Face masks and respirators work in two ways: they protect the wearer from becoming infected and they prevent an infected wearer from spreading their germs to other people. Most RCTs in this Cochrane Review looked only at the former scenario, not the latter. In other words, the researchers had asked people to wear masks and then tested to see if those people became infected. Read more: As viral infections skyrocket, masks are still a tried-and-true way to help keep yourself and others safe. A previous systematic review found face masks worn by sick people during an influenza epidemic reduced the risk of them transmitting the infection to family members or other carers.

Data from a RCT of N95 respirator use by health workers showed even their unmasked colleagues were protected. Yet some of the trials included in the review did not use cluster randomisation. This is another apples-plus-oranges issue. Different settings have widely differing risks of transmission, since airborne particles build up when sick patients are exhaling the virus in underventilated, crowded settings especially if many infected people are present such as in a hospital. A genuine protective effect of masks or respirators shown in a RCT in a high-risk setting will be obscured if that trial is combined in a meta-analysis with several other RCTs that were conducted in low-risk settings.

Viruses like influenza also vary substantially from year to year — some years there is very little influenza, and if a RCT is conducted during such a year, it will not find enough infections to show a difference. The review failed to account for such seasonal effects. The authors of the Cochrane Review acknowledged compliance with masking advice was poor in most studies. For example, people who are prescribed the active drug but who choose not to take it should not be shifted to the placebo group for the analysis. The science of masking needs to separate the impact of the mask itself from the impact of the advice to mask. A comprehensive review of the evidence would also include other types of study besides RCTs. For example, a large systematic review of various study designs, which included 25, patients with SARS-CoV-2, SARS, or MERS, concluded masks were effective in preventing transmission of respiratory viruses.

Read more: Which mask works best? We filmed people coughing and sneezing to find out. Many lab-based studies have shown respirators are superior to masks at preventing airborne respiratory infections and the incremental superiority from a single to two layered cloth mask to a three-layered surgical mask in blocking respiratory aerosols. There is strong and consistent evidence for the effectiveness of masks and even more so respirators in protecting against respiratory infections. Masks are an important protection against serious infections. Current COVID vaccines protect against death and hospitalisation, but do not prevent infection well due to waning vaccine immunity and substantial immune escape from new variants.

A systematic review is only as good as the rigour it employs in combining similar studies of similar interventions, with similar measurement of outcomes. When very different studies of different interventions are combined, the results are not informative. Write an article and join a growing community of more than , academics and researchers from 4, institutions. Edition: Available editions United States. Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in. C Raina MacIntyre , UNSW Sydney , Abrar Ahmad Chughtai , UNSW Sydney , David Fisman , University of Toronto , Trish Greenhalgh , University of Oxford. Authors C Raina MacIntyre Professor of Global Biosecurity, NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, Head, Biosecurity Program, Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney Abrar Ahmad Chughtai Senior lecturer, UNSW Sydney David Fisman Professor in the Division of Epidemiology, University of Toronto Trish Greenhalgh Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford.

Systematic reviews Evidence Cochrane review Masks Surgical mask N95 masks Surgical masks respirators Facemasks. Want to write? Register now.

How to Review a Journal Article,It didn’t consider how COVID spreads and how masks work

Web1 day ago · The review starts with an assumption that masks provide respiratory protection, which is flawed. Want to write? Write an article and join a growing community of WebFeb 6,  · The plot, its major plot points and significant subplots. Each time you encounter something noteworthy while reading, you should write down the page number WebThe main and fundamental purpose of writing a review is to create a readable synthesis of the best resources available in the literature for an important research question or a WebIf your assignment is to summarize the article only, please see our literature review handout. Before getting started on the critique, it is important to review the article ... read more

This means that you should set your review aside for a few days before you start your revisions. Your organization in an assignment like this is of the utmost importance. This should be done as a straightforward freewriting session. Include the author's conclusions in this section. How well does the objective of the experiment or of the observation fill a need for the field? Many lab-based studies have shown respirators are superior to masks at preventing airborne respiratory infections and the incremental superiority from a single to two layered cloth mask to a three-layered surgical mask in blocking respiratory aerosols.

Be sure to include the full citation either in a reference page or near your evaluation if writing an annotated bibliography. Self-Service Registration. For example, how to write an article review, an article citation in the MLA style should look as follows:. View Samples. There is no one-fits-all article format you can follow in your review. Jake Adams. Try to identify any biases the writer might have and use this to make a fair critique.

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