GED Essay: How To Write An Essay For GED,Sample Essay Analysis
WebGED Sample Essay. The following is an example of a high-scoring essay response to our free practice GED Essay Prompt. Below our GED sample essay is a brief analysis WebBelow is a sample response to our GED Essay Practice Question. Review this response to develop familiarity with the structure of a high-scoring essay. You may notice that this WebGED Essay — Reasoning Through Language Arts. There are is now an extended response (essay) question on the GED Reasoning Through Language Arts Test (RLA). You are WebGED Essay Question. The Reasoning Through Language Arts section of the GED includes an “Extended Response” question. This is simply an essay question. You will have 45 WebGED Practice Essay The passages present arguments for and against an office installing instant messaging software. Write a response analyzing the arguments in both passages ... read more
Some have even resulted to never going back to class claiming that their chances to a good education have been ruined. This has been a common and worrying trend in the society for a long time and finding underlying reasons is essential. Health problems go ahead to manifest as one of the major issues leading to the trend. Some people in this group, during their time in high school lacked access to a well-balanced diet as well as adequate water thus triggering some health issues in their bodies. This portion will focus on the effect of lacking a well-balanced diet on the academic achievement or even learning capability. For a long time, nutritionists have established a close link between good academic performance and intake of a balanced diet.
Junk food in specific leaves the students feeling tired and sick sometimes. This not only has an effect on their education but also on their general behavior and attitude as a result. Moreover, foods rich in glucose and especially from carbohydrates may lead to lower energy levels with reference to the insulin produced to digest the foods. However, there has been quite a challenge in preventing such trends amongst students in the society since junk foods are widely available and at relatively low prices. At times, they are even accessible within the schools or in outlets that are quite close to the schools. My project will primarily focus on educating the youth on the pending dangers when they do not take healthy foods and instead persist taking junk foods.
My project would also advocate for the closure of junk food outlets on school premises and instead focus on the provision of healthy foods and at affordable prices to students. Nonetheless, one of the barriers that manifests in this case is being able to convince the school to close fast food outlets and replace the food with healthy foods. It would take strategic planning and much time before it finally comes to effect. This paper has brought to light the target group for GED as well as the reasons that made them to drop out from high school in the first place. The focus on health reasons has led to the realization that lack of intake of a well balanced diet is a major contributing factor to the problem. In response, therefore, my project is to educate the students on the benefits of consuming healthy foods while at the same time advocating for the provision of healthy foods within the school as opposed to junk food.
In the same light, I will ensure that schools see the benefit of offering healthy foods to students and that junk food is prohibited on school premises. Introduction A business model refers to a structure, which depicts commercial activities, mission and visions of an organisation. To be precise, a business model reflects about…. Cultural-Based Challenge IKEA faced a significant problem regarding culture, especially after the expansion of the flat-pack empire. In , the firm entered the market of the…. A proposal of a kind of message appeal to be embraced in advertising and an explanation of the rationale behind the appeal I will embrace the….
Introduction In any strategic business plan, a communication plan is important since it acts as a navigation tool that aids a business in meeting its business…. Generally, the response exhibits the following organization:. In the body paragraphs, the student demonstrates a strong command of each of the scoring criteria:. Clarity and Command of Standard English: The sentence structure is varied and effective, and the author maintains proper spelling and grammar throughout. Finally, the passage concludes with a brief concession to the opposing side, showing an ability to recognize the complexity of the issue, before wrapping up the discussion with a summation of why the pro-recycling passage is better-supported than the anti-recycling passage.
Menu GED Practice Test GED Math Test GED Language Arts Test GED Science Test GED Social Studies Test Español. Lately, the issue of climate change has generated a lot of debate. Some GED essays topics are: An Analysis of Daylight-Saving Time Should The Penny Stay In Circulation? Is Golf A Sport? What is the true meaning of honesty? Tips On Writing A Good GED Essay There is a methodology for everything and GED essays are not an exception. Some tips that should be at the back of your mind when writing a GED essay are: Read your GED Essay Prompts and Stimulus Thoroughly: Take your time to meticulously read the questions ND figure out what it is about.
Try to understand the topic and what is expected in your answers. Do not rush to answer the questions. You can even highlight certain words or phrases in the stimulus so you can always look back to confirm that you are on track. Plan the Outline of your Essay: Plan how you would progressively move through the structure of your essay. From the introduction to the conclusion, ensure you know what you are going to write before you set the pen on paper. The outline will help you save time on thinking what next when writing.
It also helps you progressively write the essay without losing sight of the goal. Focus On The Subject: Every paragraph you write should either support your side of the argument or weaken the other end of the opponent. State your evidence, showing that you understand the claim you have chosen. Also, point out evidence in the stimulus that supports your claim. Proofread and Revise Your Essay: Make sure you leave enough time for proofreading and revision. Mistakes are human, you might find that you have spelled a word incorrectly or forgotten to punctuate. Proofreading and revising your essay assures you that you have written an essay correctly and from a justified and clear view. Make sure to let others proofread your essay as well, and provide you with some essay homework help.
How Are GED Essays Graded? The machines are programmed to grade the essay according to five criteria. The criteria are: Organization: How clear and presentable is your ideas and strategies in the essay? Clear and Swift Response: Did you answer the question without changing focal points? Progress and Details: Did you use relevant examples and go into specific details instead of just stating what is in the stimulus? Do your arguments follow progressively? Grammar Rules Of English: Do you have a good command of English writing techniques? Was your sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and grammar in place?
Did you take the time to edit and proofread before submitting it? Word Choice: Did you use the right words to express your point of view? GED Essay Preparation Help Now that you have read about the GED essay you might still be wary of the challenge. Related Posts. How To Revise An Essay Quickly And Efficiently. How To Write An Essay Proposal: Helpful Guideline For Students.
By: Jen Denton, Student Success Coach on January 3, at AM. The GED essay intimidates a lot of people. Writing a whole essay from scratch in 45 minutes or less can be tough, but it doesn't have to be. This GED essay writing guide will help you know what to expect and how to pass the written portion of the test. Learn all about the GED extended response with examples, tips, and a breakdown of everything you'll be graded on. The GED test is made up of four subjects: mathematical reasoning, social studies, science, and reasoning through language arts RLA. The RLA subject test includes two parts, one of which is the GED extended response, sometimes called the GED essay.
You will have 45 minutes to complete the essay to the best of your ability. The extended response can be on a variety of topics, but it will always follow the same format. You will be given two different articles on the same topic, usually argumentative essays with a firm position. You will be asked to evaluate the two arguments and write your own argumentative essay determining which article presented the strongest position. The essay should be paragraphs long, with each paragraph between sentences. All GED essay questions will ask you to read and evaluate two passages that take different stances on the same topic.
Essays should determine which passage presents a stronger argument and back up that claim with analysis of evidence from the passages. Analyze the arguments presented in the press release and the letter to the editor. In your response, develop an argument in which you explain how one position is better supported than the other. Incorporate relevant and specific evidence from both sources to support your argument. Remember, the better-argued position is not necessarily the position with which you agree. This task should take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Accessed 25 Feb. Both the press release and the letter to the editor offer positions that are supported by both fact and opinion. The press release seeks to exhort the new bill for expansion of Highway 17, while the letter argues that the passing of the bill could prove detrimental to the district. While both sides make an acceptable case, the latter provides a stronger argument. This proves, with factual information, that the district did not have a fair say in the bill. The notion that few residents will use the road that their tax dollars are providing is an opinion. Another example of the better supported argument in the letter is the reference to the construction jobs as temporary. The press release praises the new jobs created by the highway construction, as this is a valid point.
The road construction does not solve the long-term issue of unemployment in the town. In addition, the author of the letter counters the argument that new motels, restaurants, and gas stations along the highway will create permanent jobs for the residents of the town. Providing restaurant or motel jobs is very unlikely to feed or support an entire family. It will not pick up the laid-off employees of the manufacturing plants, who may have worked for many years towards promotions and a pension. She concedes that the representative is correct in citing that bypasses are proven to reduce noise and traffic in town, but she argues that the study shows a negative effect on local businesses.
This piece of the study was not mentioned by Representative Walls or the press release, and it is a proven fact. This draws more credibility to the argument in the letter. It is less likely that old roads in the towns will become historical locations, attracting tourists and boosting small business sales. Despite the argument and evidence given by the press release, it appears that the letter to the editor offers a stronger case. Though the press release offers some fact, it is mainly specked with anticipations and hopes, driven to overshadow any doubts and quell any concerns. The letter is penned by a resident of the town and owner of a business, subject to firsthand opinions of the citizens of the district.
The press release is pushed by an elected representative who, upon visiting the town a number of times and consulting a small percentage of the constituents, is convinced she understands the majority. Although both parties may very well have the best interests of the district in mind, and either position could be correct, it is clear that the letter provides a better-supported argument. For GED essay practice, try writing your own essay based on the example above. Set a timer for 45 minutes and do your best to write an essay with your own analysis and ideas. You can practice more writing skills with this free test or enroll today in the GED Academy to get access to more GED essay prompts and personalized feedback from GED Essay graders.
The structure for the GED essay can take a few different forms, depending on how you decide to organize your ideas. No matter what, it should include an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. To receive a passing score, your essay must present a clear topic supported by details from both passages. Include your main idea in an introductory paragraph. In middle paragraphs, make connections between your details and your main idea. Your conclusion should also fit logically with the details. The introduction should demonstrate your understanding of the overall topic based on the passages you read and a claim.
The claim is a statement of your argument. The body paragraphs will go into more detail. They will include a combination of summary, analysis, and evidence to back up your claim. Be sure to include analysis of both passages. You can earn up to six points on the GED extended response. There are three main categories your essay is graded on, and you can earn up to two points for each. Creation of arguments and use of evidence: Craft a strong claim and use analysis of the arguments and evidence from the passages to support it. Development of ideas and organizational structure: Write a substantial essay with clear transitions between ideas, including a strong introduction and conclusion.
Clarity and command of standard English conventions: Use appropriate language and demonstrate strong language and grammar skills. Table of Contents What is the GED Essay? Example GED Essay Questions Example GED Essay GED Essay Practice GED Essay Structure How is the GED Essay Scored? Example GED Essay Questions All GED essay questions will ask you to read and evaluate two passages that take different stances on the same topic. Here is an example GED essay question: Analyze the arguments presented in the press release and the letter to the editor. Example GED Essay The following is an example high scoring essay: Both the press release and the letter to the editor offer positions that are supported by both fact and opinion.
GED Essay Practice For GED essay practice, try writing your own essay based on the example above. GED Essay Structure The structure for the GED essay can take a few different forms, depending on how you decide to organize your ideas. The conclusion should explain the result of your findings and reinforce your original claim. How is the GED Essay Scored? The most common reason people score low on the essay is because they misunderstand the prompt. Make an outline. After reading the passages and the prompt, write down your ideas and organize them during your pre-writing. Make a list of evidence. Write your introduction last. A lot of people get tripped up by how to start the essay.
Write first, edit later. You only have 45 minutes, so use your time wisely. Write your first draft of the essay before you start fine-tuning and editing it. Use formal language. Time always seems to go faster when you need it to go slow. The only way to get better at writing essays is to write more essays. Practice using the GED Writing Practice Test , and remember to time yourself! Related Posts. Welcome to the Social Studies Study Guide part of our GED study guide series to help you better Get started on free GED online studying and more with these online GED resources. Free online GED
GED Essay Sample Response,Language Arts
WebBelow is a sample response to our GED Essay Practice Question. Review this response to develop familiarity with the structure of a high-scoring essay. You may notice that this WebSome GED essays topics are: An Analysis of Daylight-Saving Time; Should The Penny Stay In Circulation? Is Golf A Sport? What is the true meaning of honesty? Is the current WebThis paper will hence delve into GED, the target group as well as an exploration of healthy diets in relation to education. The target group in this case is young adults generally WebGED Sample Essay. The following is an example of a high-scoring essay response to our free practice GED Essay Prompt. Below our GED sample essay is a brief analysis WebGED ® and GED Testing Service are registered trademarks of the American Council on Education. They may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission WebGED Essay Question. The Reasoning Through Language Arts section of the GED includes an “Extended Response” question. This is simply an essay question. You will have 45 ... read more
Creation of arguments and use of evidence: Craft a strong claim and use analysis of the arguments and evidence from the passages to support it. How To Revise An Essay Quickly And Efficiently. Menu GED Practice Test GED Math Test GED Language Arts Test GED Science Test GED Social Studies Test Español. The road construction does not solve the long-term issue of unemployment in the town. Was your sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and grammar in place? If you can follow these tips and prepare adequately for the essay, you are sure to pass well in your GED writing test. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Abortion Artificial Intelligence Black Lives Matter Civil War Child Abuse Climate Change Community Cyber Security Death Penalty Depression Elon Musk Environmental Issues Ethics Feminism Global Warming GMO Gun Control Gun Violence Hamlet Health Care Human Trafficking Immigration Injustice Macbeth Medicine Nature Nursing Poverty Pro Choice Abortion Police Brutality Public Health Racial Profiling Racism Social Issues Social Media Symbolism The Crucible The Great Depression Vietnam War Show more. Readers, most likely taxpayers, have a vested interest in not having their money wasted by the government. Remember, ged essay sample, the better-argued position is not necessarily the position with which you agree, ged essay sample. It is not easy, but there are always alternative ways to improve. The following is an example of a high-scoring essay response to our free practice GED Essay Prompt. It will not pick up the laid-off employees of the manufacturing plants, who may have worked for many years towards promotions and a pension. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address ged essay sample not be published.
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