Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Essays on cancer

Essays on cancer

Cancer Essay,Essay on World Cancer Day FAQs

WebJan 25,  · To provide you with a grasp on the subject matter, we have provided a short essay on cancer here. Cancer is a disease in which the cells in specified or different WebCancer is a dangerous, complex, malignant tumor distinguished by unregulated, rapid and aggressive mitosis and growth of undifferentiated malfunctioning cells containing WebMar 7,  · Short Essay on Cancer Cancer is defined as the unwanted growth of cells in any part of the body. There are various reasons that lead to development of cancerous WebCancer is disease in which there is uncontrolled cell growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes WebFeb 6,  · Significance of World Cancer Day. Cancer is a bodily abnormality that causes the cancer cells that are usually present in the body to multiply and spread across the ... read more

The commonly affected areas are beneath the tongue and lips in the oral cavity. The vital organs of the body like liver, kidney, pancreas, colon and rectum also develop the risk of development of carcinomatous growth. Women who smoke also suffer a chance of developing breast cancer besides the above stated types. Higher incidences of cervical cancer have been noticed in women who smoke. According to researchers, 1 out 5 heavy smokers will die of lung cancer. The ratio for moderate smokers declines to 1 in 10 persons. Order custom essay A Short Essay About Cancer with free plagiarism report. Another alarming case is that among all the lung cancer patients only 0.

The rest of the cases had a history of smoking. Lung cancer is one of the commonest types of cancer that lead to death in maximum number of patients throughout the world. In the advanced stage of disease other distant organs of the body are also affected and result in severe complications. Eventually the whole physiological system of the body collapses. Besides cancer smoking leads to various other grave medical diseases. Affecting the functioning of heart, viz. Coronary thrombosis; affecting the eye sight and predisposition to cataracts and macular degeneration and eventually vision loss; and brain in cases like cerebral thrombosis; smoking poses a threat to the whole physiological system of the body.

Quitting smoking dramatically improvises the medical health of the individual. Though, the risk of developing cancer is higher than those persons who have never smoked. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Did you know that we have over 70, essays on 3, topics in our database? Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. A Short Essay About Cancer. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Mar 07, These damaged genes are often a factor caused by such things such as the environment, and can be influenced by inherited factors. As the very early damaged cells divide they can evolve into a malignant cell population, and lose the control mechanism that govern normal cell division.

These malignant cells can then go on to form solid tumours that start to destroy normal tissue. These can then spread to other parts of the body by releasing these tumour cells. Once these cancer cells spread, they grow in other parts of the body and then form …show more content… These are known as mutagens. These carcinogens can cause errors, duplication or rearrangement in DNA sequences that contribute to the progression of cancer. An example of a carcinogen is tobacco. Tobacco smoke contains at least twenty carcinogens, which are known to cause lung cancer. Age can be a factor when asked what causes cancer. This is because cancer becomes more common as we get older. This is because as we get older we become more susceptible to some types of carcinogens.

Age is also a cause as it takes a long time for a cell to become cancerous, as there has to be a number of changes to the genes within a cell, before it turns into a cancerous cell. Therefore the longer we live; the more time there is for us to become susceptible to these mistakes in our genes. Our genetics are also another cause of cancer. If we are born with one of these genetic mutations, which can cause cancer, we are said to be genetically predipositional. This is known as many of the genes that control cell growth, and DNA repair are associated with inherited cancer susceptibility. The genes, which are susceptible to leading to cancerous mutations, are called proto-oncogenes.

They are called oncogens as the word "onco" means cancer. An example of this is the faulty genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2. If a woman carries one of these genes, she is. Get Access. Decent Essays. Melanoma Skin Cancer Essay Words 5 Pages 7 Works Cited. Melanoma Skin Cancer Essay. Read More. Essay on Leukemia Words 4 Pages. Essay on Leukemia. Persuasive Essay About Cancer Words 5 Pages. Persuasive Essay About Cancer. Approach to Cancer Care Essay Words 10 Pages. Approach to Cancer Care Essay. Better Essays. Persuasive Essay On Cancer Words 8 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Cancer. Cancer Made Me A Shallower Person Essay Words 9 Pages. Cancer Made Me A Shallower Person Essay.

Cancer 1 Essay Words 4 Pages. Cancer 1 Essay. Prostate Cancer Essay Words 5 Pages. Prostate Cancer Essay. Good Essays. Leukemia Essay Words 5 Pages 4 Works Cited. Stages are used to describe the severity of cancer. In the initial stage, cancer can be prevented through medication, proper surgeries and light treatment. In the advance stages of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy is useful. Above all, the best way to keep cancer away is to stay away from smoking and tobacco, eat healthy food and a lot of green vegetables, and do some physical exercise daily.

It is very difficult for a cancer patient to fight with the final stages of cancer. To deal with this severe problem cancer symptoms should never be ignored. A person who has a good and healthy lifestyle can fight with cancer more strongly. Current trends in global health mention cancer. Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death globally. It is an illness in which abnormal cell growth develops and affects parts of the human body as it advances, it has the potential to spread from one part of the body to the other. It is a chronic illness that imposes a great economic burden on a nation because its management is costly. Cancer occurs in different parts of the body and are classified according to where it has affected.

In India, men are mostly acted by lung, oral, lip and neck cancers whereas women are affected by cervical, breast and ovarian cancer. The detection procedure varies with the type of cancer while the treatment varies with the stage of the cancer progression. Mostly early stages of cancer have better prognosis compared to late stages of cancer. There are modifiable and non-modifiable factors that predispose an individual to cancer. Non modifiable factors include age and genetics. With an increase in age, the rate of cancer incidence increases. The genetic predisposition to cancer increases the incidences of suffering the disease. Modifiable factors include lifestyle habits like drinking and smoking tobacco which increase the incidences of lung, oral, esophageal among other cancers.

Diet is also a predisposing factor especially one that is less in vitamin supplements. Physical inactivity and obesity predispose to cancers of the colon, breast and others. Sexual activity in women with multiple sexual partners predisposes them to cervical cancer due to the transmission of HPV Human Papilloma Virus. The environment also predisposes to cancer because of the chemicals, radicals and radiations that interact with human beings. The detection varies with the type of cancer and so screening is done for each type differently.

It is advisable that people get regular checkups of the whole body so that early detection facilitates effective and curative treatment. Screening of cancer is done using detailed examination of the physique, laboratory and histology tests, radiological and magnetic imaging techniques among other methods. The campaigns against cancer advocate for early detection by teaching the public on the early signs of cancer. In breast cancer awareness for example, the public is made aware of physical examination of the breast and if they detect any abnormal growth or lump, they are to seek further investigation. Early detection is important because it results in successful treatment.

In the detection, the cancer staging is done, which is usually four stages, stage one, two, three and four. Stage one has the best prognosis whereas stage four has the poorest prognosis. Once cancer is detected, a range of treatment options is provided. Treatment depends on the types of cancer and the staging. It can be treated by surgery whereby excision of the abnormal growth is done. Surgery is done for non-hematological cancers and those that have not metastasized to other parts of the body. An example of surgery is mastectomy to treat breast cancer. Chemotherapy is another treatment option that involves the administration of anticancer medication that eliminate the abnormal cells in the body. Another treatment option is radiation therapy that uses ionizing radiations to destroy cancer cells.

Radiation is also used to make tumors small. It is used to treat solid tumors and it depends on the sensitivity of the tumor to the radiations. It is targeted at the nucleic acid destruction in the tumor cells. Cancer is a chronic illness that could result in very serious consequences even with treatment. Cachexia is the extreme wasting of the body that causes death in cancer patients. Economic burden to both the individual and the nation is experienced in cancer treatment because the treatment modalities are costly. Mental illnesses result from cancer because it is a terminal illness and most patients become mentally unstable upon diagnosis.

The quality of health is affected in a country when there is high incidences of cancer and the performance is greatly affected, which cause poverty and economic crisis for individuals. Cancer is a serious illness that impacts the lives of people and the nation negatively. It is evident that cancer has diverse treatment options but the problem is that people do not go for checkups. Checkups are important in early detection, which usually results in successful treatment and less burden of cancer in a nation and in individuals. Cancer is basically an agglomeration of various diseases that involves the abnormal growth of cells with the ability to spread or invade other body parts. Cancers are quite different from benign tumours in that the latter does not spread or invade other body parts.

Some of the many symptoms and signs of cancer include abnormal bleeding, a lump, weight loss that is unusual, prolonged cough and bowel movement change. Even though these listed symptoms and signs of cancer, they might be caused by other things so it is necessary to be diagnosed. Today, we have more than various kinds of cancer that affect us humans. It is believed that cancer has been in existence for a majority if not all of the history of man. Breast cancer was the first form of cancer that was recorded and this happened around BC in Egypt. Between BC and BC, Hippocrates spent time analysing various types of cancer and referred to them as crayfish or crab.

The name was as a result of the crab-like look of the malignant tumour and the lateral extension of the distended veins and tumours. It has been discovered that the major cause of deaths as a result of cancer is the use of tobacco and it accounts for about 22 percent of the total number of deaths due to cancer. Poor diet, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption and a lack of exercise and physical activities accounts for another 10 percent of deaths caused by cancer. Some other causes and factors that contribute to cancer include environmental pollutants, ionizing radiation exposure and certain infections.

In most developing countries, infections like hepatitis B, Helicobacter pylori, papillomavirus infection of humans, Hepatitis C, HIV and Epstein Barr contribute to fifteen percent of all cancers. All of the factors listed above change the cell genes. There are always a lot of genetic changes before the development of cancer. Asides the symptoms and signs that are used to detect cancer, screening tests are also a good way of detecting cancer. Cancer is normally thoroughly investigated using medical imaging; it is then confirmed through biopsy.

A tumour or neoplasm is a collection of cells which have gone through growth that is not regulated and most times form a lump or mass. Every tumour cell exhibits the six important characters that are necessary for the production of the malignant tumour. The prevention of a lot of cancers can be ensured by trying to maintain a weight that is healthy, not smoking, consuming a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetable, avoiding the consumption of a lot of alcohol, reduction in the amount of red and processed meat that is consumed, getting vaccinated against some infectious diseases and the avoidance of too much exposure to sunlight.

It is sometimes useful that there is early detection in cases of colorectal and cervical cancer and this can be achieved through screening. The usefulness of breast cancer screening is highly controversial. The treatment of cancer is usually done by combining surgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy and chemotherapy. A very important element of care is the management of symptoms and pain. In cases of advanced disease, palliative care is of utmost importance. The extent of the disease at the commencement of treatment and also the form of cancer that is involved go a long way to determine the odds of survival. It has been reported that every year, close to 15 million reports of new cancer cases are filed. These do not include the cases of skin cancer. Cancer results in more than eight million deaths every year which is about In males, prostate cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and colorectal cancer are the most widespread cancer types.

In females, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer are the most widespread cancer types. Brain tumours and lymphoblastic leukemia that is acute are the most widespread cancer types in children but in Africa, lymphoma that is no-Hodgkin is the most widespread. The total number of children that are under the age of 15 that ended up being diagnosed with one type of cancer or the other in is around , With an increase in age, it has been seen that the risk of getting cancer also increases significantly and the number and occurrence of cases of cancer in developed countries in more than the number and occurrence of cancer cases in other countries.

The change in lifestyle and increase in the number of people living to a very old age in countries that are developing contributes to the increase in the rate of the occurrence of cancer. Cancer is believed to have a financial cost of up to 1. Cancer can be extremely dangerous when it is not discovered early and when adequate and proper care and attention is not given to the treatment. Therefore it is very important to go for regularly screening to find out if there is need for caution or treatment.

Coveted as one of the most notorious diseases in the world, cancer has known to be one of the leading causes of death across the world. Cancer in any form is life-threatening and people often shy away from discussing it. However, cancer awareness can be of great benefit to the common people. In this long essay on cancer, we are providing you with cancer meaning, speech on cancer awareness. Go through this cancer essay to get a complete overview of this deadly disease. In a recent study conducted in , it was found that around 9. The World Health Organisation has revealed that cancer is the second leading cause of death across the world.

The statistics in India are also no better and as per recent figures about people die every day owing to cancer of different types. Cancer types and causes have seen a steady increase in the past decade which does not bode well for the world population. Before we proceed in this essay on cancer, we must understand cancer's meaning or what exactly is cancer? Cancer is the term given collectively to any and all forms of unregulated cell growth. Normally, the cells inside our body follow a definitive cycle from generation to death. However, in a person suffering from cancer, this cycle is unchecked and hence the cell cycle passes through the checkpoints unhinged and the cells continue to grow. Now, that we have a preliminary understanding of the meaning of cancer, let us proceed to the cancer types or specifications.

Cancer types are usually named after the area they affect in the body - usually like skin, lung, pancreas, blood, stomach among the others. However, if classified biologically, there are primarily five types of cancer. These include - leukemia, melanoma, carcinoma, sarcoma, and lymphoma. Leukemia is the type of cancer that originates in the blood marrow and is a cancer of the blood. In this cancer type, no tumors are formed. Melanoma is regarded as one of the most dangerous types of cancer as in this, the skin coloring pigment or melanin becomes cancerous in nature. Carcinomas are cancers of the various types of glands or organs such as the breasts, stomach, lungs, pancreas, etc.

Cancers of the connective tissues such as the bones, muscles, etc are classified as sarcomas. Lymphomas, on the other hand, are cancers of the white blood cells. Among the most diagnosed types of cancers are carcinomas. In the present day living environment, a number of factors are liable to cause cancer. However, in many cases, one single factor cannot be attributed or held responsible for causing cancer in an individual. The substances that are known to be cancer-causing or increasing the risks of cancer are known as carcinogens. Carcinogens can range from anything from pollutants to tobacco to something as simple as processed meats. The effect of carcinogens, however, on different individuals is different and it is also dependent on a number of factors, be it physical, lifestyle-choice, or biological.

The physical factors enabling the effect of carcinogens include exposure to different environmental conditions such as UV rays, X-rays, etc. Cancer among mining workers because of their constant exposure to asbestos and fine silicone dust is common. Biological factors generally include hereditary factors, such as the passing of a mutated BRCA1 or 2 mutations from mother to daughter in case of breast cancer. In addition, they also include factors such as age, gender, blood type, etc. Lifestyle choice refers to habits such as smoking, drinking, radiation exposure, etc, which can act as triggers for carcinogens. In this segment of our essay on cancer, we will discuss the various types of cancer treatments involved and their applicability. The most commonly applied cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Often, these treatments are given in a combination of one with the other. Surgery is usually performed in the case of benign tumors usually followed by a short cycle of preventive chemotherapy. The treatment of chemotherapy includes a combination of drugs targeted to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy, on the other hand, makes use of radiations to kill cancerous cells. All these treatments are usually known to have side effects, so after-care for cancer survivors is also equally important. The kind of treatment best suited for a patient is usually determined by the physician. The most important aspect of cancer treatment is early diagnosis and immediate medical intervention.

The chances of surviving or beating cancer increase by a paramount value if diagnosed in the early stages. In India, and many other countries, speaking or discussing cancer is still considered taboo and this perception is in dire need of a change. Always remember cancer awareness is the first step towards cancer prevention. You must come across survivors sharing their journey by means of speech of cancer awareness. It can be of great benefit to know about the disease beforehand as it will keep you wary of any signs or symptoms you might come across and bring the same to the notice of your physician immediately. This will help in preventing or fighting cancer more effectively. To provide you with a grasp on the subject matter, we have provided a short essay on cancer here.

Cancer is a disease in which the cells in specified or different parts of the body start dividing continuously. Cancer is usually caused by specific substances that affect several factors in our body. These specific substances are called carcinogens. Cancer can be caused owing to exposure to pollution, radiation, harmful substances, poor lifestyle choices, etc. Cancer is best treated when detected early. Usually, surgery as well as other treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. are used to treat cancer. Cancer awareness is one of the best means that help in preventing and fighting the disease. Students are recommended to remember the point of facts so it can be helpful for the students to write an essay with ease.

Below are listed a few quick points for the convenience of students who are opting to write an essay on Cancer—. Cancer is a condition in which the cells divide in vast numbers uncontrollably which results in impairment and other damage to the body. Excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition or physical inactivity and, excess weight of the body are some of the causes of Cancer. Genetic factors can be responsible for the development of cancer. Some genetic malfunctions occur after birth and factors like exposure to the sun and smoking can increase the risks. A person can also inherit a certain predisposition for a particular type of cancer. Chemotherapy is one of the treatments for cancer that targets the dividing cells, it can cure cancer but the side effects can be fatal.

Hormone Therapy is another way for treating cancer where the medication targets certain hormones that interfere with the human body. Hormones are essential in breast cancer and prostate cancer. Immunotherapy is another way where the medication and treatment target the immune system to boost it. It is believed that this kind of treatment can cure all types of cancer. Radiation therapy is the treatment in which a high dose of radiation is given out to kill the cancerous cells. It can be used for shrinking the tumors before the surgery. Stem cell transplant is essential for blood-related cancer like leukemia and lymphoma. In this treatment, the blood cells are removed that are destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation and then the cells are put back into the body after being developed by the doctors.

Surgery is also a part of the treatment. The most common types of cancer are lung cancer and melanoma. Cancer is classified by doctors in two ways. First, by the location of the cancerous cells. And secondly, by the tissues that are affected by it. Metastasis is a condition where cancerous cells spread to different parts of the body. Improvements in the rate of cancer have been seen over the years after a significant drop in tobacco consumption and smoking. The outlook of cancer depends on the severity, type, and location of the cancerous cells. Tumors can be caused in the brain and spinal that can be cancerous in nature. Germ cell tumors give rise to sperm and eggs in the body and it can be caused in any part of the body.

Do the research. It is essential to write the valid points and present them in this essay as it is based on Cancer. An essay on Cancer must be comprehensive and should ideally contain the context related to this topic hence, it is very important for a student to know about this topic thoroughly in order to write the essay brilliantly. Analyze the question. A student must understand the intention of the essay and know the terms that are needed to be used. It will clearly form an essay that consists of all the valid points related to cancer. Remembering the information on Cancer. Cancer as a topic is vast because there are several types of Cancer and writing about all of them is not possible in a condensed essay so it is important to understand and remember the points which are more essential than the others to be mentioned in the essay.

Defining the terms and theories. It is essential for a student to explain the terms being used in the essay. For example, writing the names of the types of Cancer is not enough, it also has to be explained by the student on how it affects and how it may be treated. Organize a structured essay. Students must write the essay in a coherent manner which must begin with the introduction to cancer, followed by the body of the essay that must contain the types of cancer, treatment, and other information regarding the topic of Cancer. It must be well concluded later to tie everything up neatly. Cancer is, undoubtedly, one of the most life-shattering diseases.

Essay On Cancer,FAQs on Essay on Cancer

WebFeb 6,  · Significance of World Cancer Day. Cancer is a bodily abnormality that causes the cancer cells that are usually present in the body to multiply and spread across the WebJan 25,  · To provide you with a grasp on the subject matter, we have provided a short essay on cancer here. Cancer is a disease in which the cells in specified or different WebCancer is disease in which there is uncontrolled cell growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes WebCancer is a dangerous, complex, malignant tumor distinguished by unregulated, rapid and aggressive mitosis and growth of undifferentiated malfunctioning cells containing WebCancer Essay Breast Cancer: Cancer And Cancer. Breast Cancer Studies shows men are diagnosed with breast cancer contrary to the Cancer And Cancer: The Advantage Of WebMar 7,  · Short Essay on Cancer Cancer is defined as the unwanted growth of cells in any part of the body. There are various reasons that lead to development of cancerous ... read more

Radiation therapy is the treatment in which a high dose of radiation is given out to kill the cancerous cells. Survival rates for oral cancer could be much higher if the population would take precautionary measures to reduce their chances of being diagnosed with oral cancer. com , Mar Cancers of the connective tissues such as the bones, muscles, etc are classified as sarcomas. Sexual activity in women with multiple sexual partners predisposes them to cervical cancer due to the transmission of HPV Human Papilloma Virus. One advance has been the use of a cell process known as apoptosis.

In cases of advanced disease, palliative care is of utmost importance. Carcinomas are cancers of the various types of glands or organs such as the breasts, stomach, lungs, pancreas, etc. You must be logged in to post a comment. Prostate cancer being a huge cause of mortality and medical expense in essays on cancer age forty and above has only recently become a topic of general conversation to men in America Plowden, Cancer is a severe disease in which there is abnormal growth of cell that spreads around the human body, essays on cancer.

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