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Essay questions of mice and men

Essay questions of mice and men

10 Question On “Of Mice And Men”,Of Mice and Men

WebWhy did Steinbeck choose the title Of Mice and Men? What happened in Weed? Why does Carlson shoot Candy’s dog? Why does Curley attack Lennie? Why does WebMar 13,  · Possible questions on “of mice and men” essay. The essay is all about two immigrant’s men traveling to seek employment. In their journey, their bus dropped WebEssay questions: You will be given a choice of two essay questions about Of Mice and Men in the exam; you need to choose one to answer. They will usually be about specific WebOf Mice and Men argues that on the bottom rung of the American economy, the destitute are left with only stark and terrible choices. Why does Lennie have a dead WebWhy did Steinbeck choose the title Of Mice and Men? What happened in Weed? Why does Carlson shoot Candy’s dog? Why does Curley attack Lennie? Why does George kill ... read more

Paying attention to the long descriptive passages at the beginning of each section, discuss the ways in which the novella is similar to a theatrical play. Do these similarities strengthen or weaken the work? How can we justify what he does to Lennie? How can we condemn it? Ace your assignments with our guide to Of Mice and Men! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Please wait while we process your payment. Send password reset email. Your password reset email should arrive shortly. Something went wrong If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Log in Sign up Sparknotes. Password Your password must: Be between characters. Contain at least one capital letter. Contain at least one number. Be different from your email address.

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Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Free trial is available to new customers only. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. You'll also receive an email with the link. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. The struggles of the mouse whose home is destroyed parallels with the struggles of George, Lennie, and other migrant workers whose dreams of purchasing land are destroyed by the trials of the Great Depression. The men of Weed ran George and Lennie out of town, and the two escaped by hiding in an irrigation ditch until nightfall.

By picking on Lennie, Curley demonstrates that he is willing to prey on the most vulnerable in order to maintain his dominance over the workers. Of Mice and Men suggests that this is one way that the property-owning classes uphold their power. Of Mice and Men argues that on the bottom rung of the American economy, the destitute are left with only stark and terrible choices. From the first pages of the novella, Steinbeck makes it clear that Lennie is different. Despite his large size, he comes across as childlike, and George seems to have to take care of him. I gotta tell you again, do I? I knowed his Aunt Clara. She took him in when he was a baby and raised him up.

George and Lennie travel together because they have known each other since they were children and a natural friendship developed over time. Got kinda used to each other after a little while. Race is the central reason why Crooks has his own room set apart from the other men at the ranch. You go on get outta my room. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me. Maybe I will yet. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Without Lennie, the hope of the dream of escaping their difficult life as ranchers is washed away. He knew. Ace your assignments with our guide to Of Mice and Men! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. A Tale of Two Cities Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Please wait while we process your payment.

Send password reset email. Your password reset email should arrive shortly. Something went wrong If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Log in Sign up Sparknotes. Password Your password must: Be between characters. Contain at least one capital letter. Throughout history, those who are not on level with those around them tend to be neglected. This is a trend seen among animals as the runt of a litter gets killed, eaten, or left behind, and is seen among humans as the mentally challenged or Developmental disability, Disability, Electroconvulsive therapy, Mental retardation, Schizophrenia.

Therefore, this poetically expressed non-fiction novella is mainly regarding the concept of loneliness when it comes to the protagonists in the story, which are John Steinbeck Loneliness Of Mice and Men. Concept of loneliness, Great Depression, Novella, Randy Quaid, Sentence. During the great depression Black Americans faced hostility, bigotry and persecution. In Southern states, Jim Crow laws bolstered racial segregation and groups such as One poignant example of the misperceptions that women face in a male-dominated society is presented in the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The story takes place in the Dust Bowl era, when rough economic times made it hard to find work; two Of Mice and Men Gender Inequality Gender Stereotypes.

Lennie from Of Mice and Men is a mentally handicapped giant of a man who has the very simple life Disabilities, Mental capacity, Mental inadequacy, Physical skill, Physical talent. A mouse and a human. When those two creatures are brought up, there is not much of a connection. Are there possible similarities that might be between what is considered the most powerful mammal on Earth and a tiny mouse? In , a famous poem Dream John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. Deep connection, Dreams, Famous poem, Real life, Restless chasing of a dream. In terms of having emotional stability, there is one thing in life that is needed, which is friends. Of Mice and Men Friendship. Of Mice and Men is a story that exhibits the reality of the American Dream.

The American Dream is a desired lifestyle that has been fixed into American society since the beginning of this country. It is perceived as an idea of equal opportunity for Of Mice and Men is a novel by John Steinbeck, detailing the lives of two farm workers with a common dream: to one day run their own farm. Achieving this may have seemed an easy feat for our protagonists, but it proves far more difficult Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck. Choose at least two of these and discuss how the author explores them. Of Mice and Men Symbolism. The novella illustrates a story in which different characters that suffer through the The first two settings that Steinbeck exposes to his readers in Of Mice and Men are the countryside and the bunkhouse at the ranch.

Both of these are quite crucial to the development of the characters, as well as the progress and proper story-telling in Of Mice and Men Metaphor. The historical fiction novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck is about the journey of two friends George Milton and Lennie Small. The book takes place a few miles south of Soledad at the Salinas River. George and Lennie go to work on a Friendship John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men. California, Great Depression, Interpersonal relationship, John Steinbeck, Soledad. as having physical or mental impairments. Developmental disability, Disability, Down syndrome, Mental retardation, Old age. The book Of Mice and Men was written to acquaint us with the situation in the United States of America at that time.

This writing does not belong to the happy and full of joy kind of literature but, it deserves to be shown in Has our culture improved of how women are widely viewed? Of Mice and Men Literary Criticism Sexism. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Lennie Small, Curley's wife, George Milton, Curley, Crooks, Slim, Carlson, The Boss, Candy. It was intended to be a play of 30, words, which is why it has a dynamic structure. Interesting facts.

How does the setting of Of Mice and Men influence the book's thematic development? In answering, consider the connection between the novel's setting and the characters' vocations. Also, how does Steinbeck signal the importance of setting in his choice of place names? Though the novel is more famous for its characters than its setting, Of Mice and Men could not have been set elsewhere than in the rural Salinas valley of California. The problems of the novel are intimately tied to the rhythms and frustrations of the itinerant worker's life. Shifting from ranch to ranch, from one menial job to another, the Californian itinerant worker risked a life of meaningless labor - of pure, cynical sustenance. George and Lennie, with their dream of acquiring a farm, represent an attempt to stand against such perpetual loneliness.

Even the name of the city near which the novel is set - Soledad, which is Spanish for "solitude" - resonates with this theme of loneliness. The title, Of Mice and Men , is an allusion to a Robert Burns poem. How is this allusion meaningful in the novel? Consider some similarities and differences between Burns and Steinbeck's works. And, indeed, Of Mice and Men features two men with a scheme - to escape their lives of menial, temporary employment - that goes awry. Beyond this simple plot similarity, the two works both consider the relationship between the human and animal worlds. Burns poem, in which a field worker offers philosophical reflections after upsetting a mouse's nest, mirrors Steinbeck's work, in which Lennie unintentionally destroys the lives of small, furry animals including, at the novel's opening, a mouse, which is a clear wink at the Burns poem.

Of Mice and Men is highly "dramatic" - that is, similar to a drama or play - in its structure and action. Describe the ways in which the novel is like a play. Why did Steinbeck choose to put his work together in this way? Each chapter of the novel takes place in a single location, aside from a short walk at the beginning of Chapter One. Thus the novel is structured, much like a play, into "scenes. The narrator, meanwhile, is minimally intrusive. This "dramatic" form of writing allows the novel to progress rapidly and portentously, building symbolic density and narrative tension without becoming too heavy-handed. It also, by the way, allowed Of Mice and Men to be adapted for the stage almost immediately after its publication. Of Mice and Men is often studied as an example of "foreshadowing" in literature.

How does Steinbeck foreshadow the pivotal events of the book? What does this effect do for the tone of the book? Nearly every word and image in the novel is carefully chosen to guide the reader to the accidental killing of Curley's wife and the mercy killing of Lennie. The gun used to shoot Candy's decrepit dog is later used by George to shoot Lennie; the many small animals that Lennie crushes out of love foreshadow his panicked killings of his puppy and, moments later, Curley's wife; and the event that drove George and Lennie out of Weed Lennie's false accusation of rape parallels the scene in the barn between him and Curley's wife.

This dense layering of related plot elements gives the plot an element of inevitability - as though fate has preordained the tragic events of the book. Several of the characters in Of Mice and Men display physical and mental impairments. Identify and describe these characters. How do these impairments influence or reflect these characters' roles in the novel? Of Mice and Men is a novel about impairments, both literal and symbolic. Most of the men in the novel are impaired in some fundamental way, most often in terms of their loneliness and isolation. In the case of several characters, this symbolic impairment becomes expressed literally through their damaged bodies.

Crooks and Candy are hunch-backed and lame; Curley's hand is crushed an injury which reflects on his damaged masculinity in general. The most conspicuously impaired person in the novel, Lennie, is impaired in an altogether different way. Bodily, he is the most able man in the novel, but mentally, he is incompatible with social life. Thus the different nature of his disability reflects and emphasizes his inability to survive in the lonely, desolate environment of the itinerant worker. Consider Curley's wife. Is she a sympathetic or an unsympathetic character? Would you characterize Steinbeck's portrayal of her as fair, or do you detect misogyny in his depiction?

Curley's wife, the only major character who is not given an individual name, is indeed an enigma. In the first chapters of the book, she is simply awful - a flirtatious, provocative "tramp," to use Candy's word for her. However, in the later part of the book we do get a glimpse at a richer inner-life as she speaks about her loneliness, her regrets, and her unhappy marriage. On the whole, however, Steinbeck's depiction of Curley's wife is quite disturbing from the perspective of a modern reader. Discuss "the rabbits," the dream of a farm that George and Lennie share and repeat aloud. How does this story of "how things will be" function in the novel?

What does it reveal about George, Lennie, and their relationship? The story of "how things will be" comes off much like a bedtime story - an oft-repeated tale which Lennie even has memorized, much like a child memorizes his favorite stories that has a soothing, dream-like effect on both teller and listener. The parental nature of George and Lennie's relationship is quite clear in these passages, as George the parent uses the story to soothe and encourage Lennie the child. This ritualistic recitation provides their work with meaning and purpose; by the end of the novel, though, as the tragic current of the book proves irresistible, the story takes on a poignant quality. Of Mice and Men opens and closes in a natural setting. The chapters in between take place in various man-made settings - the bunk house, the barn, Crooks' room.

Why does Steinbeck organize the novel in this way? In general, what does he propose about the relationship between man and nature? In opening and closing his novel in nature, Steinbeck is able to connect and compare the actions of his characters with the natural world. The nature scenes comment on the events in question - George and Lennie disrupt a peaceful scene in the opening; the killing of a snake by a heron prefigures the tragedy in the final chapter. Not only does this way of structuring the novel give it a feeling of wholeness, it also reinforces Steinbeck's central point about Lennie's incompatibility with the social world.

He doesn't fit in the shared spaces - the bunk house, etc. Of course, Lennie is not a bear, however similar he may be to one. He can't life with men, and he can't live without them; therefore, in the end, he can't live at all. Consider the scene in Crooks' room. How does Steinbeck characterize Crooks and the others, and how does the conversation in the chapter play out in the context of the novel as a whole? Crooks is a proud, embittered man - a victim of racism. The scene that takes place in his room illustrates several tendencies in the novel. For one thing, Lennie is able to win Crooks over despite or, actually, by virtue of his opacity; this allows the reader to see Lennie's appeal as a nonjudgmental, faithful companion.

Also, when Crooks rouses Lennie's anger, we see more evidence of the dangerous rage that lurks beneath Lennie's placid exterior. Finally, the appearance of Candy allows Steinbeck to stage a sort of socialist fantasy, in which the downtrodden, disabled members of the farm contemplate a mild "uprising" of sorts. The appearance of Curley's wife, though, returns these men to the direness of their social situation. Thus the chapter functions almost as a microcosm for the novel as a whole, as we move from hope to hopelessness, with Curley's wife as a catalyst for trouble. Of Mice and Men has a controversial history. It has been repeatedly banned by school boards. Why might this book have been banned?

Is such an action justified? There are several reasons for the novel's controversial reputation. Most obviously, the novel features frank discussion of sexual matters - rape, prostitution, promiscuity - that has been targeted as possibly inappropriate for a young audience. Also, the novel ends in a morally ambiguous killing - similar to euthanasia - which has roused the ire of several anti-euthanasia advocacy groups. Though it is well-established as required reading in thousands of high school districts throughout the world, the book continues to attract controversy. The question of whether or not the book is offensive is of course a matter of personal morals; however, Steinbeck's treatment of such sensitive material has been generally celebrated for its tastefulness and honesty.

The Question and Answer section for Of Mice and Men is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Do you think she Curley's wife is guilty of enticing Lennie and thereby bringing about her own death. Curley's wife is another victim on the farm. She was only desperate to alleviate her loneliness for a few minutes. Her intent showed no malice in it. Words that describe George. For George, the ranch in the dream represents? Of Mice and Men study guide contains a biography of John Steinbeck, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Of Mice and Men essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Remember me. Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. Loyal, protective, caring, and fatherly brotherly Independence and security. Study Guide for Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men study guide contains a biography of John Steinbeck, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. About Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men Summary Of Mice and Men Video Character List Glossary Read the Study Guide for Of Mice and Men…. Essays for Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men essays are academic essays for citation. Violence and Sadism in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Camaraderie: Deciding an Individual's Fate The Lost American Dream The Missing Hand: Disconnection in Of Mice and Men Themes and Style of the Writings of John Steinbeck View our essays for Of Mice and Men….

Lesson Plan for Of Mice and Men About the Author Study Objectives Introduction to Of Mice and Men Relationship to Other Books Notes to the Teacher View the lesson plan for Of Mice and Men….

Of Mice and Men Essay Questions,Your password reset email should arrive shortly.

WebMar 13,  · Possible questions on “of mice and men” essay. The essay is all about two immigrant’s men traveling to seek employment. In their journey, their bus dropped WebOf Mice and Men Essay Questions 1. In this novel the “dream” of having their own place is very important to George and Lennie. How does the writer use their dream to tell us WebOf Mice and Men argues that on the bottom rung of the American economy, the destitute are left with only stark and terrible choices. Why does Lennie have a dead WebOf Mice and Men is a classic novel taking place during the s. The main characters are two migrant farmers, George and Lennie. They end up working at a farm out in California WebEssay questions: You will be given a choice of two essay questions about Of Mice and Men in the exam; you need to choose one to answer. They will usually be about specific WebWhy did Steinbeck choose the title Of Mice and Men? What happened in Weed? Why does Carlson shoot Candy’s dog? Why does Curley attack Lennie? Why does ... read more

Take this bond away and it will create a difficult and almost impossible journey for the two men in this novel. Billing Address. The American Dream is a desired lifestyle that has been fixed into American society since the beginning of this country. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Do you think she Curley's wife is guilty of enticing Lennie and thereby bringing about her own death. Thus the chapter functions almost as a microcosm for the novel as a whole, as we move from hope to hopelessness, with Curley's wife as a catalyst for trouble. Sign up and get instant access to creating and saving your own notes as you read.

Got kinda used to each other after a little while. It was a way of survival without compromise or thinking twice. Billing Address. Of Mice and Men Discrimination. Subscribe now. Renews February 14, February 7, Start 7-Day Free Trial.

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